
Rain-water harvesting

Rain-water harvesting

Have you ever imagined a day without water?

All living things including plants, animals and human beings need water to live and to carry out different activities.

Rainwater harvesting is the simple process or technology used to conserve rainwater by collecting, storing, conveying and purifying of rainwater that runs off from rooftops of your homes, commercial buildings, factories, institutions, parks, open grounds, etc.

Considering the current water crises in cities and towns, rain water harvesting is now a mandate for new constructions.

Our team of experts provides a comprehensive plan and executes the same as per your requirement.

Rain-water harvesting

Frequently asked Questions

  • What is Rain-water harvesting?

    It is the technique of collecting and/or storing rain-water for domestic, agricultural use or to simply aid in replenishing the aquifers by functioning as a ground water recharge unit.

  • What are the uses of installing a Rain-water harvesting system?

    Rain-water harvesting is a novel approach to reduce environmental impact, and greatly aids in conservation of Nature. Collected rain-water can be utilised for ancillary domestic activities such as washing clothes, sweeping floors, flushing toilets and watering plants in the stead of potable water., thus, greatly regulating the water bill.

    We provide the solutions for the sustainable development. We mainly deals with the projects related to Mining, Coastal planning, Environmental Clearance, Remote Sensing Studies. DGPS and Drone Survey as well planning and working of Hydroponic Farming. We are team of experts works in these field in the way of scientific working.